Book Rendezvous

Today for sure has been a day like no other. I woke up late, clipped my hair in a bun and ran out of the house. A few errands before I found my way to the beauty shop in town. My daughter who happens to be my beautician needed my hair or rather my hair needed her. At birth I got a double dose of fine thin hair and it was starting to look poor at old haggardly lady lengths. Yes, kinda like Smeagol now that you mention it. She got me all fixed up. I shoulda took a selfie! 🙂

Then on to lunch with the ladies for fabulous productive conversations. We do have a good time when we gather. The next destination would be a place where we writers feel most at home. The place where paper, ink, and dust has mingled in just the right conditions. A house of genres, themes, and styles. Have you quite got it yet?

Yes, the Library. I do like the library as do my children who have spent a portion of their lives looking at all the chapters of possibilities. I had many readers who needed to pick up their books today.  I set this as our rendezvous. Can I tell you? I am out of books! I sold all of them! Know if I could sell like this to people that I don’t know- well, my husband could work a lot less and take me on vacation more.

It has been an epic day – coasting on a cloud. I am so very thankful to those who graciously purchased my books in person or online. It does come in the kindle form or traditional paperback. I do hope you enjoy this new book and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the subject.

Big news coming up, I have a book signing scheduled in the month of July. We will gather with our fellow local writers and put forth our works of art. That is always exciting as we each draw different people and we enjoy the fellowship. Stay tuned for more details as that draws near.

If you can find a place to do a review like Amazon, Google Books, Book Bub, Barnes and Nobles, or even my Sufficient Grace Novels page on Facebook – I really, really, appreciate it! Book Reviews are how we sell more books!

Happy Reading!


PS. What do I write?

I have two books out- Long Journey Home and Between Two Fires. They are both Historical Christian Fiction set in the 1850’s here in Leon County, Texas. The early years of Texas history lived out in fiction form. I would not be afraid to let my nieces read them. I have had several men read them and love it too. Give me a chance!